Lesson #1 Healing tip for the soul #77

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 14, 2015 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail  of  spiritual  healing  101  continues

I have  learned  so much  from  other especialy   the ones  I least  expected.

I  work  as  a physician and well  as  a chaplan    in local prison.

I come across   Inmate   who   was there for a murder charge   and  he requested

a  one  to one visit.     Due  to security  reasons  I will call  him JOE  SMITH.

When I met him, I ask him  Do you have a lawyer,  He  said  No

I asked   will  you  defend  yourself  He said  No

What  will  you  do? I asked.

Lord  is  my attorney   and  the judge  what ever  HIS  decision  is  fine  with me.

I was  confused.  I asked  How  you come up  this decision?

All my life  I was  running  away  from Lord  and  every time I get into  trouble,

I  will pray  and  Lord  will   get  me out  of  my trouble.

Can you   give me a example?  I asked

Last year I  was  on probation and I got a call  from  my  probation officer  that I have a hearing in the morning.

I got upset I had  a job, I could   not request  to have  day  off, because  office  was  closed.

He said  you better come,  Can I  bring  my wife,  He inquired  about  her   address  and telephone  number  so he can do inquiry

I  gave  him the info .

When I got  home  my wife said  that  the probation officer  called  her  and told  her that the hearing is canceled.

I  was  confused.  I  went  to hearing  anyway.

There  was  a hearing  I got  angry  and  start yelling  and  screaming  in the  court  and  told  the story.

Judge  got upset  and gave me 6 month sentence.

In the cell I prayed  all night  Lord  Get me out of here, I realy  do not want to be here.

Deep  down I knew  God  made the right decision.  I needed  6 month  to work  on myself.

Instead of  being  happy  with Lord”s  decision, I beg   HIM  to change His  decision.

To my surprise  I  was  released  in the morning  because  judge  verified  my  story.

Now  I regret, I was  not able   to make   enough money  for my family  and  got involved  in drugs

and  end  up killing  and  end  up here  but I learned  my lesson.

What you  do all day?  I asked  I pray  17 hours   sleep  7 hours,  I  worship  and pray  17 hours and  some time I pray

in my dream.

I have peace   with  GOD.  If  I  go  on death row    my routine  will not change  till I die

If  I get life   my routine  will not change.

I   was  in a state  of  shock.

I was  looking  at a spiritual being, not a human being.

He    was      already  with GOD .

I wish  I will a spiritual being like  him.

If  Lucifer  will get  to know  him Lucifer  will bow  down  to him.



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