Lesson #1 Spirtual Healing #59

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on October 12, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trial of  spirtual healing     101 continues

Religion is like a knife.

In a hand  of some religious people   is a tool  to defend their religion,

even justify killing someone.

In the hand  of  rightous   or spirtual  people   is  to tool  to slaughter their own

desires  like Abraham  did.

Some religous   perosn see wrong   in the world.

Rightous   or spitual person  see wrong within.

Some religous people’s  talk is  better than their walk.

True reghtous people’s   walk  do the talking for them.


PS: Religous  person fight back  and win sometime.

Rightous /spirtual  people   forgive and  always  win in the long run.

Religous  people wish everyone  follow their religion.

Rightous  spirtual pesrson  wish everyone  would have better peace  than he or she has.

Religous people are   at war   with  outside devil  of them.

Spirtual/Rightous   persons   are  with  devil within 24/7.

Addendum: Religous people’s need  are usualy   fulfilled  by the congegration

they serve.

Rightous/spirtual  fullfilled  the need of others and God fulfill  their need.



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