Trail of spiritual healing continues
A Rabbi and Priest got into argument.
Rabbi claimed only Jews will go heaven, and Priest insisted only Christians will go to heaven.
Priest said ” I bet you had ate ham .
Rabbi said Yes I had ate ham, I bet you had done adultery.
Priest said yes not only that beat the ham but I am forgiven and you are not.
Rabbi said I am the chosen one and I am sure that I am forgiven.
Priest disagreed stating Rabbi will be forgiven only if he accept Jesus his savior..
They went to judge. Judge said eating ham is not against the law and as long adultery is
not reported and proved it is not against the law.
Priest disagreed and they went to a Budist monk for his opinion.
Monk said both Rabbi and Priest should confess to their congregation.
Both got mad and filed a case against the Monk that he has been abusing his wife and
he end up in prison.
Rabbi and priest agreed that eating ham is not against the law and
as long adultery is not reported it is not a crime.
They also agreed as long they are law abiding citizens both will go to heaven.
Priest was not sure if Rabbi will like being in heaven, because it will filled with Christians,
Rabbi was not sure if Priest will like being in heaven, because it will be filled with Jews.
They also agreed spouse abuse is a crime and should be severly punished.
Buddist monk reflected in prison and realized he is a sinner, and sinner
can not pass judgement and he appeal for forgiveness, stating he will
never abuse his wife, and apologized to Rabbi and Priest.
Rabbi and Priest realized they were wrong and they confessed in front of their congregation.
Both congregations admired their courage
Buddist monk was free so were the Rabbi and Priest.
All agreed that God only know who will go to heaven,
and everyone lived happily ever after.
Moral of the story: Among humans who are believers, Jews, Christians,
Sabians ( any faith or no faith) if any one believe in God, day of judgement
and perform good deeds will be rewarded and will have no fear & no grieve.
Verse 62 Surah 2 (Quran)
PS: If I have fear or has grief I am not doing the good deeds or doing bad deeds.
Addendum: If I do good deeds God will reside in my heart and God make it easy to
do more good deeds and stay away from bad deeds.
Moral 2 Worship in secretly and God will reward you openly Matthew 8 Bible
Do not be like those who preech on pulpet to show off,like hippocrits, they do have their reward.
PS: If I do not feel rewarded, I am not praying enough or praying in secret or I may be a hippocrit,
I know what I have to do.
Addendum: If I pray in secret, that sure is a good deed, God will reside in my heart and make it easy
to do more good deeds and keep me away from bad deeds.
DO GOOD DEEDS, REST IS DETAIL That is Pound Wise, Penny Foolish.
Go in detail, do few good things That is Penny Wise Pound Foolish