Lesson #1 Spirtual Healing tip 46

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 17, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of spirtual healing  101 continues

Saints were   around me , but I did not have the vision to see them.

Some saints remind us of our shortcomings and some give us the solution

to our problems.

   A  couple years ago Saint Denita Henson asked me  if I have skeletons in my closet?

I   reflected  for  a moment   and  replied ”  There is a graveyard in my closet”

Later I  felt lots of regrets  and that  feeling continued for  a couple years, till  Saint Lori Duran

wrote  in her rules of her life and one of them was  (No regrets  just lesson learned).

It answered   my question if I have a graveyard I should be happy that I have learned

 more lessons than anybody else.

Thank you Saint Denita Henson  to  show me my trash.

 Thank you Saint Lori Duran to help me  turn my trash into cash.


PS: Look around may the people  I hate or dislike  are  saints sent to remind

me of my shortcomings. Once  I become  aware of  my  shortcoming  God will  sent other saint

to help me learn from my past and know my purpose  and serve my purpose  and live

happily here after.   THE NEW BEGINING 

Addendum:  When is the last time you have checked your closet???



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