Lesson#1 Spirtual Healing Tip #41

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on May 30, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of  spirtual healing   101 continues

If I see good in others, I should pray   God to increase  their goodness,

and try to acquire that goodness.

If I see   evil in others, I must pray God to remove that evil, and

watch  for the evil within, when found  either get rid of  it of tame it

and place in a cage.

The day I  will discover the evil  with in , tame it and cage it, that is only

possible with the help of God,  I will live heavenly life.

If I am unable to discover evil within, my life  sooner or later  will turn into living hell.


PS: Learn from   and pray for  everyone,  and serve the needy.

I will earn  the heavenly life.

Addendum: When I do good, see good, feel  good  regardless what others  do, I am ok.

When I do anything,  and  see bad and  feel bad,regardless I blame myself or others,

the evil within is not tamed.

Note: If my evil  is 100% tamed, it is  like  the  wild beast  turn into watch dog No one can hurt me or

stop me to serve  my purpose   what God has created me to do.

Moral:  Tame the evil within and live peaceful happy and purposeful life.


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