Lesson #1 Spirtual Healing Tip #40

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on May 16, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail Of Spirtual Healing 101 continues

*Time is  money. Not true.  Time is priceless the most precious limited  asset

and   I do not even know how much time I got.

When my time will be up  I can not buy  a moment  with all the money on earth.

*Caputure the present moment and use the way it should be and it will turn into

building block for my grand future  and continue  the same  till the end of this life

and I will  enter into life after life the eternal life and will see the  building I had build .

*All the wasted moments of my life  are turned  into toxic waste, and early I recognize that

the better.

All the toxic waste  needed to detoxicated and recycled.

Otherwise the toxity of my past will never allow  me to capture the present moment perfectly.


PS: Submit  to GOD and  repent  for all my sins, start working on detoxification and recycling of

my toxic waste , and able to love and serve God’s creation,  and live peacful and blessed life.

Addendum: Captured moments turn in happy hours, happy hours turn into happy days, happy

days turn into happy live and turn into ever lasting heavenly life.

NOTE:Wasted moments  turn into wasted life and turn into toxic waste,   to toxic  to be  burried

or throw into oceon,  bccause it will make the whole earth or  oceon toxic, only  safe way  is to  put into furnace.


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