Lesson #1 Spirtual Healing tip 39

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on May 10, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of  spirtual healing  101 continues

If I think  why I do not live the life I want to live.

What is my disease, or  block, that  is stopping me to live  the kind of life I want to live???

I have to  go back the  root cause.

If I believe that God has created me, other people may have other ideas,

But I  have more reason to believe that God has created me and  I  have to

serve a purpose. My question is what is my purpose?

May be searching for my purpose is my purpose.

I discovered  what I was looking for, it is simple, I am here not  to judge  but learn , serve and love.

I learned that I must love my enemy so I will have no enemy.

I discoverd I am my worst enemy so I start loving myself and I realized I have no enemy.

I discovered  that  I must  love  those    whom  I was suppose to hate the most.

My best teachers  are   those  I never met, but I know  they  are my worst  enemies  devil  and  my narcacism.

Devil is very talented  but  his   untamed narcacism   made him a  loser.

I do not to be loser  like him. I leaned  the following lessons.

*I  must never     have a untamed narcacism.

*I must never judge and never  look down to  no one  but judge myself.

*Devil is determined  and working very hard, his mission statement is devide and rule.

*My  mission statement  is love learn and serve, and I must work as hard  if not more than him.

I can not see him  but I hope  he may read my tip and realize and repent and become a winner.

So I can return his favor    and  learn from each other. We are  all teachers and student  at the same time.

My  conclusion is  that everyone  including devil is ok I am not ok and that is ok.

Now I have home work to do , and be ready to be judged by GOD  the only judge who know all the facts.

My understanding is God  created everything stated with craeting   the universe,

then angel(agnel do not have narcacism) so they never had any problem following God’s comands.

Devil was created   with narcacism, and  he knew God, so he exceled  in obeying God more than angels.

Narcacism  with strong will is a powerful force and devil succeded  to become the chief of angels.

God  created  human, Adam   instilled  some narcasim  and  gave him the will.

God tested the devil and asked everyone  to bow down to Adam, Angels obeyed but due to

strong will and narsacism  devil felt it was unjust order from God and refused to obey  and

chalanged God  that  he will prove  he is much superior than Adam.

That is the beginging  of Human saga.

Human come  in all form  and shape  some with strong will, some with week will, some with strong

narcacism, some with  poor narcacism.

If I have believe in God, submit to the will  of God, and tame my narcacism  to obey God.

Then Devil can not trick me  and I will represent God, what devil wanted to begin with.

Knowning God’s will  I know I am not here by chance, God choose  me to be here,

and made me the person I am.

God  does not compare  me  with no one, I am one of the kind, and  have every thing I need.

God has allowed  me to be here at this time in history to fulfil  my purpose.

If I  obey God I   will know  that everything and everyone is serving their purpose.

I love every one  for the sake of God  and   disagrrement  for sake  of  God.

I will a dummy  connected with God and serve my purpose.

How I know I am  doing my job well? God will grant me complete peace and love for

creation and I will serve  creation  without jodging  only to please God.


PS  With  healthy  and pure  faith I will like  Adam, Ibraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad  and all the

rightous people, with out faith  or defective  faith  I will be like   devil and his followers   or

in between.  Life is  this simple.

Attendum:  Jews, Christians  and Muslims all waiting for  Jesus to come.

Why not be like Jesus  as  we wait.

Note  Tamed Narcscism + submited  will to God =  Chief of Angels

Untamed Narcacism +  strong will+ disobey God=  DEVIL



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