Trail of spirtual healing 101 continues
Special thanks to a kind human being Shannon Quigley RN for being the inspiration to write this tip.
Life teaches each human being the much needed lessons, humans can learn or disregard those
lessons, and that shapes their thinking process how to interact with self and others.
Religous people are taught to be religous and how they should view others, if they have the
same belief system they are ok an they are more than willing to teach others their belief system
whether others like it or not off course at no cost in most cases.
Off couse not every religous person practice that way
Psychiatrist are taught in med school and during their training how to diagnose mental issues,
and treat them only if they are being paid for that. Not every Psychriatst practices that way
There are those exceptional people who can see under the surface and learn from everyone without judging
and serve everyone with best of their abilities.
Those people take the path of life long effortful learning, love , learn from everyone, and only teach if
they are asked do so weather other has the ability to pay or not.
Those people tranform into rightous people, with a sense or purpose, acquire a peace and happiness
which can only be felt, and very difficult to explained to others.
PS Be rightous rest is detail.