lesson #1 Spritual healing tip 26

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 1, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

trail of spirtual healing  101   continues

*It is  much harder to care  for myself  and others.

*It is  easy not to care about self  and others.

*It  is  lot  more harder  to keep my opinion to myself,

and let my walk  do the care talk for myself  and others.


PS: I  do not have to tell myself  to eat healthy excercise,

healthy sleep and feed my mind  with  healthy thoughts and

healthy  soul food  for   for for my soul.  DO IT.

Addendum: If  any one is not ready to hear my walk,

my talk will   only  make me a troulbemaker.

Note:  Watch that  tougue,  It very well can be  a  weapon of mass destrution.

Moral:  Talk and everyone  walk away, Walk and and I will reach  to my destination,

and  more likely people  will like to walk  with me.

Talk Most likely I lose, Walk and I win.


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