Lesson #1 Spirtual Healing tip 25

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on January 25, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of spirtual healing 101 continues

Humans  are created in the best form and sent,

to this boot camp to go through a custom made basic training.

Traing helps  humans to lean to deal  with self, others, situations and able to relate  to self

everyone and everything.

The goal of this training  is  to know  the good  and bad.

Humans  have  a choice  to graduate  any time from this training once

humans feel they have acquired their  goal.

After graduation  everyone has a choice to be good or bad.

*If choose to be good human, have  a potential to be the best of the best.

*If   humans  choose to be bad, has a  potential to  be the worst of the worst.

*Humans  do have a choice to be better than angels or worse than devils.


PS Basic  training  does not have  strict time limits, any time a   human can choose

to graduate and make the choice.

Addendum: I am a trained graduate, and know all the bad and good  things I

did to others and  what others did to me. I must do all good things I did or other

did and  strong adovate   against  all the bad things I  did or other did, so the  world continue to

be better a place for thr next generation.


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