Lesson #1 Spirtual Healuing tip #22

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on December 30, 2013 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of spirtrual healing 101 continues

*This  world  is a  prison and we  all   are on death row.

*The golden rule “Judge   not  and I will not be judged”

Devil judged and passed a judgement that he is better than Adam.

That was a wrong judgement on his part and he was rejected.

If I look down to anyone I will follow  devils footsteps and will be rejected.

*If I look up to anyone I am breaking the first commandment  and I will be a failure.

If I learn  from every one, every one will be my teacher and in return I must serve my teacher

and earn by rewards and I will serve my time well.

I will  live peaceful life and  death will  be  the   door to freedom to go back home and there

will be a  life after life in heaven.

I f  I  will judge others, my life will be  a  living hell  and will be afraid of death  knowing that  I  may

end up in hole  unless I give up judging.


PS  Judge not and I will live,  able to   love, learn serve and repent and  prison will turn into paradise ,

Judge others this prison will turn into torture chamber  and  I  be dreadful of dying  and

die  a  painful death and may end up in a hole.

Addendum:  My judgement   You are ok I am not ok  and that is ok.


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