
Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on July 10, 2018 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Every human 😩👨‍🎓😀😄👨‍🎓👩‍🎓👩‍🏫👨👨🏿‍🏫🤓😜remind me of the invisible CREATOR.

I 🤔want to know the CREATOR and explain to me what I do not understand.

Looking into the mirror , I realized  that I do not understand myself , and do not  know my purpose.🤔

I 🧐reflected  and realized I  only useing  tiny fraction of my abilities.

I have to fix the damage I caused to myself  and others.

I start understanding but I know I have long way to go to be what GOD  want me to be.

I request everyone to pray 🙏🏼for me  I  can  use all the prayers I can get and thank you all in advance  and I am doing like wise🙏🏼







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