
Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on December 15, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

GOD  is  righteous  and  feel  the pain  of  each  sinner  who  do not  feel  the pain of their sins so

they  can live  pain free  life.

Saints   feel  the pain   of their  sins and  stay  in state  of  repentance and  worship  to ease  their  pain

which do  become  unbearable  at  times.

Once  they  overcome  their pains  they   start the  pains  of   other  sinners love  them learn from them and

help  them  with  the  best of  their ability.

Once  they  become  righteous,  they live  in  the  fellowship  of  GOD  and  live  heavenly life.



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