Thanks to a Inmate for sharing his story with me.
For me prison is a paradise.
Prison outside of this prison was a hell for me.
My soul was captive of my flesh, and I was worst than an animal.
I tried to free myself, and failed miserably every time.
When I got arrested it was a rescue for me.
My flesh become captive and my soul got freedom.
I reflected and start feeding my sick soul with soul food( praying 24/7)
I loved it .
Food in prison was not great, my body hated it , but I loved it.
I become soul driven and feel like a spiritual being.
My body ( Flesh) is a beast, prison is the only place where I can tame this beast.
I am free from myself and that is true freedom.
That is what Jesus said about me I will never see death. I have left my flesh I am
already with the LORD Eternal LORD and live eternally.
My flesh is here I am with the LORD