Trail of healing 101 continues
*If I pay attention within and out of me I see lot of systems are working,
some simple, some complicated and some I can not comprehend.
* Some people and systems work very well together and some do not.
* I too work well with certain things and people and with some things and people I can not
work well.
* Human in general and I in particular depend upon my senses to determine how I must position myself.
*I always feel like a road under construction, bumps, pot holes need constant repair and maintenance.
* Also there is unseen system, solar system for example, the different systems with in me I cannot
understand, but I know and the perfection in unseen system.
*If God is the Creator and master, then my understanding depend upon my connection with God.
*If my connection is perfect, I see the hidden wisdom in everything and everyone, and live
a purposeful life. or otherwise.
PS: Connected with God I know the problems and issues I see within and outside of is is my
homework, otherwise I will problems and issues beyond my control and I will live
unhappy and not a full life.
Addendum: Connected with God I win no connection or bad connection I lose. Choice is mine.