Trail of healing 101 continues
When I reflect on my life, Every thing I did knowingly and unknowingly
served me well.
*Some times I thought I was doing the right thing and did it, realizing
later that that was not the right thing.
*Some times I know some thing is wrong , but I did it anyway.
*Some times I know what the right thing to do but was unable to do it.
*Some times I did not even knew what the right thing was.
*Knowing the real right always been harder than doing it.
PS : Even today I do know most of the time what I must be doing, and still
not do it 100% the way I know I must, remind me that God call the shots, not me.
Addendum: Knowing the right thing and able to do the right thins is only possible,
if I know God.
Note: what ever I did, doing or will do are the right things, because that is the master plan
of GOD. In God We trust. I am not talking of almighty dollar.