Trail of healing continues
Today when I reflect I realize, I fall in love with different things and people.
Love for things and people keep changing as I grow older.
One thing in common, every time I fall in love with anything or anyone,
I become a true lover with all my heart to anyone, the very person become
my master, and slowly become bad master and start treating me worse than a slave.
My life become a living hell.
Then I realized that I am not aware of myself, and fall in love with myself, to my surprise
I discovered a true friend who loved me all along and was reminding me all along no to
fall in love with anyone till I know myself and the other person.
Now I am trying to clean the mess I created, so I can start all over loving myself
and life will turn into a honeymoon.
Any human does good deeds , Pray in secret half the night or 1/3 of the night Serving others with no expectation, only for the sake of their LORD,
Faith being their engine , praying in secret their fuel, Pure heart their GPS, connected to the LORD,
Mission : serving others, especially poor hungry prisoners any needy person do good even to those who do bad to them , earn honest living, gain knowledge to serve others, eat healthy, exercise regularly, Pray half or 1/3, of night , good sleep rest of the night , pray in their dreams.
GOD turn them into Spirtual Giants and they live heavenly life.
People who Pray 🙏🏼in secret. LORD 👀see them ,Reward 🎖them
openly and turn them in to 😇Spiritual Giants .
Spirtual giants 😇 serve everyone, especially to poor hungry sick 🤐prisoners
any one in need, do good even to those who do bad to them, always peacemakers ,
keep praying 🙏🏼in secret and keep being rewarded🏆 by the LORD and keep living
heavenly life.🌈 Stay in state of worship 24/7
Path to Spirituality begin with self awareness, discovering the evil 👿 within, remembering the sins , crimes, wrongdoing to self and to others, understanding the abuse by others was part of learning to feel the pain of others, who are abused, was not a punishment, empathy for those who did bad things to me only to teach me, start self purification by knowing the evil 👿 within and see Saint 😇 in others learning , loving 🥰, thankful, serving, and keeping safe distance from everyone and everything.
life term serving poor hungry sick, prisoners and needy, and end of term freedom 🧚🏼♂️will be granted human being turn into Spirtual being 😇
new heavenly beginning 💐
I met this inmate in prison, I gave him my book Healing tips for mind body and soul
on Dec 31,2008. when ever I see him I will ask how he like my book. He keep telling me
he likes it a lot and he will write me a letter
On 8/18/2019 he gave me this letter almost 11 years later
Doctor Shaikh,
I want to thank you for the book healing tip for mind, body and soul.
It has helped me a lot and made me open my eyes to the fact that not all people are the same, or that they are out there to do me harm.
it helped me to realize that suicide was not an answer.
I am grateful to have met you and to have the book.
For many years I spend blaming others and treating others like crap when they did not deserve that.
I spent a lot of time reading and learning something new about life and about myself.
I took the time because of having problems of forgiving myself and others.
As I took time learning to forgive myself and courage to ask for forgiveness.
Little by little I was able to learn and forgive my Dad. He abused me as a child because of his alcoholism,
for more than 13 years of my life.
I was bullied and I become aggressor toward others which brought me to prison.
I have spoken to my Mom and asked for her forgiveness for I the pain I caused her through out
my life.
I also took time to ask the mother of my kids and asked for her forgiveness and I start having good relationship
with her.
My relationship with my children are getting better, and we can talk without arguments and enjoy each other.
I got my GED I also obtained my Business education, so I ever decide to open my business, I know how to handle buisness
and keep it running.
I also obtained Certificate of Hospice Care so I can help those who can not help themselves.
I plan to open Garage and detaining shop one day.
I learned to sing and play key board and make lot of people smile, who were down and out in prison.
Mostly I spent lot of time alone reflecting on my life, so when I will get a chance to go back to community,
they will see me as regretful person for the pain I caused to others .
I know I am a new man in the eye of GOD.
I Just want to really thank you for the book, that helped me to become a better person along with being a better father ,son
not just for me , but for family and the community.
I am happy I am leaving this institution and moving back to community and thanks to you and GOD that I was able to accomplish
things ,I have never thought I ever would be in my life, to become the person I am today.
Today Only way to show my appreciation by doing the right things and to follow the rules and stay out of trouble,
so I do not go back to the same road that brought me to prison or failing anyone in my life again.
Thank you and May LORD continue to watch over you and your family, and continues to use you to blessings to others,
Ex Inmate.
Great Human Saga
Born as human being—> Victim of Alcoholic father x 13 years —>Victim of society–>turned into criminal —
–> got into prison—-> 2019 Free man back into the society labeled Ex convict not ex victim,
What future hold Time will only tell. Human saga continues.
Lesson of this story for me: when I reflect I realize that GOD had put me through boot camp to prepare me to feel the pain of others, judge no one , love ❤️ learn and serve everyone and live pure heavenly life 😇
PS: With self purification I can clearly identify the evil with in , and sign a peace treaty.
Than I will see virtues in everyone and have peace with everyone ability to keep safe distance from evil within and evil outside.