Lesson #1 Spitual Healing tip 33

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on April 5, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of spirtual healing 101 continues

Last sunday  in harrisburg newspaper  there was  stroy  of   25 yrs

marine  who served  two combat tours ,one in Iraq and one in Afghanistan.

When he returned home he faced  more viscous  internal enemies of fear, guilt and hopelessness.

He has no training  to fight those enemies, and all the  weapons he tried, Counsling, medication

and sheer will failed. He  successfuly killed  himself and lost the life game, died before his time.

He was diagnosed PTSD (the war within)caused by bad  experiences.

Another event in Texas  a peson  killed  and wonding multiple  person, and killed himself.

It seems  nothing worked   for him  too.

Eash human go though PTSD in one form or other, that is the  part of growing up.

What equipment do I need  to combat my inner  war?

I do know that I have fear and guilt that stop me to live   full, not only I have to know  this

but a plan how to treat myself  before I become  hopeless and take my life before my time.

Sourse of fear is what others  did to  me  and I  have trusting others due to that fear.

I am suffering and punishing myself  for the crimes other did to me instead  of learning  the much needed 

lessons  and be thankful for free education and  be thankful  to those  who tough me  but not to tell them

knowing them they will send me the bill for their services.

Souse of guilt is  wrong   I did to myself  and to others . I must repent to myself and other and become the

strong advocate agaist all  the crimes I  comited and share the consequances I suffer and be a example for others.

Of couse the treatment of  fear and guilt is life long process.

I must do my home work regularly and in return I will become more and more hopeful and live a full time instead

of dying  or  killing myself  before  my time.


PS:Faith is the engine I need  to do good deeds, With faith and good deeds I can overcome any internal and

esternal  issues.

Addendum: Faith like engine need  tuneup oil change and  fuel to keep going. Maingting my faith(engine),

using LOVE  as fuel,PATIENCE as oil change, and  WORSHIP  my  tune up, I will reach my  destination.

NOTE: Defective faith is worse than no  faith. With no faith I will kill myself, with defective faith I will kill  others  before killing

myself.  The day I was born  with ability to live  healthy 130 yrs. But due the toxic encounters and the mistakes I made tool a tool

on the quantity of life which is irreversible.  But I can become  aware  any time, learn and love my inner enemy, I will have no

enemy and I will live happity till death make  me depart from myself     THE E ND   But  Begin of a heavenly life for ever.   NO END



Lesson # Spirtual Healing tip 32

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on March 8, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail Of Spirtual Healing 101 continues

*Once upon a time long long ago ther was  a very powerful man with  anger issues.

Any one made him anger he used tio kill him or her.

After killing 99 peoples he felt guilty and start  repentance for his sins.

He went to local religous leader and asked him if God will forgive him.

No way  the religous leader replied. That made him angry and  he killed him.

*He felt guilty and start repenting again for his sins.

*Some one suggestwed that he can go to Moses  and ask him to ask God about being forgiven.

He made a long journey   and met moses and requested him to ask God if he is forgiven.

Moses agreed  and  asked God about that man. Not only his sins are  forgiven, his bad deeds are turned

into good deeds. What about those 100 [people  he killed, Moses  asked.

All  100 people’ s sins are  turned into  good deeds and rewarded  so much for their pains that they

wish that he would have inflicted more pain so they could have more rewards.


PS:Acklodging all sins and wrong doings and true repentance  will turn all  into good deeds

like born again with lot of good deed to start new sinfree  life and live happily hereafter.

Addendum:God hates sins but love the sinner and want the sinner to acknowledge all sins and

do true repence, and God turns all sins into good deeds


Lesson #1 Healing tip 31

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on March 1, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of spirtual healing 101  continues

Some says God  made human in  God’s image.

Some Says Human are made of dirt and God blow part of  God’s soul in human.

Either the case, it seems  to me  that human body is just a vessel and God’s image or

Gods’ soul is the passenger.

This vessel is a gift of God  to humans.

If the vessel is well maintained, all entry or exit ports are guarded, especialy the mouth,

which is entry and exit port at the same time, vessel will live a healthy full life  and reach its


If unhealthy food  like pizze, cake etc  enter in this port, vessel will  sink  before its time before

living a full life.

Mouth can be  weapon of mass   destruction, loose lips  sink ships with unthinkable damage.

Vessels   not well kept or keep bumbing,  end up having unwanted  pregnancies and std’s few of many

complications, and sink before its time.

In these  broken vessels, God become visible,  found   in prisons, hospitals, shelters, few of many places.

Well maintained vessels can help the broken  vessels  and   learn a lot, earn rewards and blessing, and their

journey  with  become lot better and joyful till they  meet GOD.


PS If I read lips and  listen to body language and let people read my lips,

not I will learn from everyone and live a peaceful and happy life.

Addendum: When I look in mirror  or see  a human and do not see God ,  I have  a sick broken

soul  with bad vision.

NOTE:  it is never too late to repair the broken vessel or sick broken soul with poor vision,

with true repentance  the new vessel  will be lot better than the orignal vessel with healthy soul.


Lesson #1 Spirtual Healing Tip #30

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 5, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of spirtual healing 101 continues

Humans  are  flesh made of dirt, will go back to dirt, after serving  its purpose.

Purpose is to house soul and carry   soul, like  a horse , soul  be the rider.

If the flesh is not tamed properly  will take the soul, where it not meant to be

with serous consequances.


PS: If I  look into the mirror and not  visulize the creator, I have  a defective  and sick heart.

Addendum: Flesh driven  person  can be comfortable  unhappy.

Soul driven person  are always happy.

NOTE:My real war  is with my flesh,  taming  it and keep  it under control.

Lesson 1 Spirtual Healing tip 29

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 4, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail  of spirtual healing  101  continues

*All my life what I wanted, what  I needed  and what received never matched.

*I never felt  this is a perfect  world.

*Now looking back  I realized, that I wanted, received and what I needed was a

perfect triagle  and the world was always perfect.

*Now I can say with  certainity, my past was perfect, my present is perfect,

and I know  my future  will be perfect.

*God is incharge, God know what  was done  was perfect, what is happening is perfect,

Future will be perfect,  Because Incharge is perfect.


PS:   a perfect faith   on God is  reqired  to see perfection in everything and everyone.

Lesson 1 Spirtual healing tip 28

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of   spitual healing   101  continues

Humans  are vessel of flesh  house GOD.

So I can not  look down to no one, judge no one  just learn from everyone.

Devil  judged the flesh and was rejected. Unable to see GOD in human.

If I do that I will be  following the  foot steps of devil.

When any one say or do anything to me, If I ask GOD to tell me the  hidden

message & I will hear the word of GOD.

If I believe on my ears  and process through my brain, Message I hear and  understading  is

my flesh understanding, which may not be  the true message.


PS:  Flesh controled  by GOD=  Best creation.

Flesh  with out GOD=  any thing but the best creation.

Lesson #1 Spirtual healing tip 27

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 2, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of spirtual healing 101 continues

*Humans  area created  in the best form, and

send here which is a boot camp.

*Goal is  walk on a pure path,   boots  must  stay clean and pure,

and I will  raech my destination. Heaven.

*If I notice that my path is not pure, or my boots are not pure or clean,

I can get new pair of boots, and start my path on  pure straight path.

*   Boot  supply is limitless  and it is never too late, to get on  straight path.


PS: Finding the pure straight t path and staying on it  is road to paradise.

Addendum: Boots  are the faith,(keep it pure &strong), Rightous deeds are the

work and   HEAVEN  is the paycheck.



lesson #1 Spritual healing tip 26

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 1, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

trail of spirtual healing  101   continues

*It is  much harder to care  for myself  and others.

*It is  easy not to care about self  and others.

*It  is  lot  more harder  to keep my opinion to myself,

and let my walk  do the care talk for myself  and others.


PS: I  do not have to tell myself  to eat healthy excercise,

healthy sleep and feed my mind  with  healthy thoughts and

healthy  soul food  for   for for my soul.  DO IT.

Addendum: If  any one is not ready to hear my walk,

my talk will   only  make me a troulbemaker.

Note:  Watch that  tougue,  It very well can be  a  weapon of mass destrution.

Moral:  Talk and everyone  walk away, Walk and and I will reach  to my destination,

and  more likely people  will like to walk  with me.

Talk Most likely I lose, Walk and I win.


Lesson #1 Spirtual Healing tip 25

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on January 25, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of spirtual healing 101 continues

Humans  are created in the best form and sent,

to this boot camp to go through a custom made basic training.

Traing helps  humans to lean to deal  with self, others, situations and able to relate  to self

everyone and everything.

The goal of this training  is  to know  the good  and bad.

Humans  have  a choice  to graduate  any time from this training once

humans feel they have acquired their  goal.

After graduation  everyone has a choice to be good or bad.

*If choose to be good human, have  a potential to be the best of the best.

*If   humans  choose to be bad, has a  potential to  be the worst of the worst.

*Humans  do have a choice to be better than angels or worse than devils.


PS Basic  training  does not have  strict time limits, any time a   human can choose

to graduate and make the choice.

Addendum: I am a trained graduate, and know all the bad and good  things I

did to others and  what others did to me. I must do all good things I did or other

did and  strong adovate   against  all the bad things I  did or other did, so the  world continue to

be better a place for thr next generation.


Lesson #1 Spirtual healing tip #24

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on January 21, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trial  of spirtual healing 101  continues

*Each human has  a hidden disease  which  everyone is unaware off.

*If not  become aware and   being diagnosed properly  and treated properly

will take  the quality of life  and will kill humans before its time.


PS: Problems  or disease  I see in other is my reflections in others,

to learn  and  become aware of my hidden  disease.

Addendum:  If I feel  other’s  pain,   learn, and  be kind this  will help me to

cure my hidden disease  and I will live a  full quality life,