Trail of spiritual healing continues
A Rabbi and Priest got into argument.
Rabbi claimed only Jews will go heaven, and Priest insisted only Christians will go to heaven.
Priest said ” I bet you had ate ham .
Rabbi said Yes I had ate ham, I bet you had done adultery.
Priest said yes not only that beat the ham but I am forgiven and you are not.
Rabbi said I am the chosen one and I am sure that I am forgiven.
Priest disagreed stating Rabbi will be forgiven only if he accept Jesus his savior..
They went to judge. Judge said eating ham is not against the law and as long adultery is
not reported and proved it is not against the law.
Priest disagreed and they went to a Budist monk for his opinion.
Monk said both Rabbi and Priest should confess to their congregation.
Both got mad and filed a case against the Monk that he has been abusing his wife and
he end up in prison.
Rabbi and priest agreed that eating ham is not against the law and
as long adultery is not reported it is not a crime.
They also agreed as long they are law abiding citizens both will go to heaven.
Priest was not sure if Rabbi will like being in heaven, because it will filled with Christians,
Rabbi was not sure if Priest will like being in heaven, because it will be filled with Jews.
They also agreed spouse abuse is a crime and should be severly punished.
Buddist monk reflected in prison and realized he is a sinner, and sinner
can not pass judgement and he appeal for forgiveness, stating he will
never abuse his wife, and apologized to Rabbi and Priest.
Rabbi and Priest realized they were wrong and they confessed in front of their congregation.
Both congregations admired their courage
Buddist monk was free so were the Rabbi and Priest.
All agreed that God only know who will go to heaven,
and everyone lived happily ever after.
Moral of the story: Among humans who are believers, Jews, Christians,
Sabians ( any faith or no faith) if any one believe in God, day of judgement
and perform good deeds will be rewarded and will have no fear & no grieve.
Verse 62 Surah 2 (Quran)
PS: If I have fear or has grief I am not doing the good deeds or doing bad deeds.
Addendum: If I do good deeds God will reside in my heart and God make it easy to
do more good deeds and stay away from bad deeds.
Moral 2 Worship in secretly and God will reward you openly Matthew 8 Bible
Do not be like those who preech on pulpet to show off,like hippocrits, they do have their reward.
PS: If I do not feel rewarded, I am not praying enough or praying in secret or I may be a hippocrit,
I know what I have to do.
Addendum: If I pray in secret, that sure is a good deed, God will reside in my heart and make it easy
to do more good deeds and keep me away from bad deeds.
DO GOOD DEEDS, REST IS DETAIL That is Pound Wise, Penny Foolish.
Go in detail, do few good things That is Penny Wise Pound Foolish
Trail of Spirtual healing 101 continues
God is the master planner, and everything and everyone is following God’s plan.
God is perfect and His plan is pecfect.
One question What is God’s plan for me.
When I reflect on my past, present, I realize I always had a beast and angel within me.
I committed crimes and sins under the influence of beast, and did good deed under the
influence of angel with in.
Angel food is praying, helping and loving everyone and everything.
Talk less eat less, sleep less pray a lot excercise a lot will help self purification.
Excess eating, sleeping premarital sex extramarital sex, homo sexuality is food for the beast within.
God gave me a choice, choose A be a angel I win
Choose B be a beast I loose.
If I choose A I have to clean the mess I made, I must confess all sins and crimes, and
serve my term reflect, remorse, repent and keep reaping this cycle along with serving creation
till I am able to cage the beast.
PS My past is a gold mine, gold with lot of impurities, have to go through the refinary to remove dirt,
stones and impurities tu turn into pure gold.
The process include going through the furnace to get rid of the junk.
Self purification and transformation need to go through the same process,
to turn from human being to spirtual being.
Trail of Spirtual healing 101 continues
As I learned more only to realize how much more I have to learn.
More I learned more not only more unanswered quetions I had, also the previous answers
were wrong answers and conclusions.
To my surprise I was happy that the answers I though were the correct one turned out to be
the wrong one, were great learning experiences.
One day I was reflecting I realized that the reason I am getting the wrong answeres because I was
useing wrong Pass words.
Accidenlt I used Password God1 and all my questions were answered.
Every thing I did good to myself and others, good or bad things others did to me,
some I liked some I disliked, some I hated some I loved, I always was wrong.
Now I realized every thing did happen to me to others were perfect and I must love and learn
everything and every one.
Only problem was what I did wrong to myself and to others were the barrier between me and God.
Sincere repentance and try my best to repair I have caused to myself and others.
Once my repentance is accepthed & the day I will equal repair to the damage I have caused
I know I will live live a lovely life . I will love every thing and every one.
PS: God1 worked for me, to get your personal Pass word Use your Heart phone(God Made phone)
(Commercial human made phones will not work) and call 1-800 Cre-ator 24/7 to choose
Password God1 press 1
to choose password Jesus1 press 2
to choose Allah1 press 3
to choose Creator1 press 4
to choose Johovah1 press 5
to choose Yahwah1 press 6
to choose Visnu1 press 7
to choose Brahma1 Press 8
To choose Lord1 press 9
To get a custom made password press 0
If You follow the instructions, you will live a lovely life.
Addendum: If line is busy or there is bad connection or unable to connect,
Heart phone is defective for service Call 1-800Hel-pGod( Use tongue Phone only Please talk
slowly and clearly. Remember you call will be monitored and recorded for quality purposes)
NOTE: Reflect, remorse, repent and keep reapeating and serve creation till heart phone become functional
Trail of spirtual healing 101 continues
This boby and what ever it contain is a loaner to me by GOD.
God may reposses this loner anytime and will be inspected throughly to check
for any abuse to this loner.
If any abuse noted then I have to serve my time in hell.
Self assesment is necessary for daily bases.
Anxiet, depresson, blood presure, high choletsrol, diabetes not feeling good could very
well be early sigh of self abuse abusing others or allowing other to abuse me.
If you have any of the above mentioned you may the victom of self abuse or guilty of self abuse,
Call your doctor now to gtet evaluation.
If you feel you are not guilty or sick please call your lawyer to defend you in the court of GOD.
Addendum: There are self help books like bible Quran, torah are few on many books available
to self assesment and evaluation.
PS: If you are not 100% happy and content , you may consider further work up.
Trail of spirtual healing 101 continues
This tip for a very special person Denita Henson on her marriage.
Human body is a vessel and soul is the cargo.
Denita & Gerald were granted seperate bodies but one soul.
Human bodies need upkeep and maitaince to function well
soul also need excercise diet and maintainance.
If I do excercise eat heathy diet and sleep well, I will live full life ans
My vessel will carry the cargo to my destination.
To have healthy soulmate, not only my body need to be healthy, my
part of my soul must be healthy to help my soul mate when the need arise.
Two bodies one soul need lot more upkeep than one body one soul
but the reward is many folds more.
The one who will carry the more weight will turn into best half.
Denita do not selttle for just being a better half, turn into best half.
PS:Marraige is the major target of devil, Being mind and heartful of GOD is the only
refuge from every evil.
ADDENDUM: Some one asked Moses to ask God what God think of him, God told Moses
to tell him to ask his wife. Food for though for Gerald.
Note: when both partner become the best half thant couple turn into perfect couple.
Trail of spirtual Healing 101 continues
Rev Jacqueline Keys Rules
1)Bible is the only refuge for a christian
2)Understand the message and practice it and follow the foot steps of Jesus.
3)A live thinking person keep changing and transforming with time. Rocks and stone do not change.
4)Difficulties are gift of God, so humans can understand the purpose of life.
The grace and mercy of God also to be an example & testimony of that mercy and grace.
5)The secret of life is where ever I am, what ever condition I am in, be happy and content(confirmation of my sermon 6/22/2014
6)First step towards rightousness is earning honest living and is the foundation of light of faith.
7)Hard work serving humanity is form of worship.
Rev Jacqueline Keys Signature on file.
Trail of spirtual healing 101 continues
When I start reflecting on my life , I realized I did some good things for myself and Others.
Other did good things and bad things to me.
I was pondering why I did bad things to my self and still doing it and why people did bad things to me.
I realized I am made of dirt, and I am inclined to do dirty things , following that impulses I did bad things.
Others had done the bad thing due to those dirty impulses.
But I did good things, and other did good things to me.
So there are angelic part in me and others.
God is the creator. I realized all the bad things I did I was not mindful and heartful of God at that time.
Other words I was not connected with God or had defective connection with God.
Those were the times I was self destructive and was a weapon of mass destruction.
The bad things other things to me were reminder so I can feel the pain of bad things and not do it to myself and others.
Today I must not only forgive others but be thankful to them to teach me the lessons ,
I needed to come to this conclusion
and I must do what ever I possibly do to help them but to everyone.
PS:Pure heart connected with God. Any sin cause a dot on the heart and connecttion become defective,
unless that sin is detected recognized and pure and accepted repentance will make heart pure.
Trail of spirtual healing 101 continues
Saints were around me , but I did not have the vision to see them.
Some saints remind us of our shortcomings and some give us the solution
to our problems.
A couple years ago Saint Denita Henson asked me if I have skeletons in my closet?
I reflected for a moment and replied ” There is a graveyard in my closet”
Later I felt lots of regrets and that feeling continued for a couple years, till Saint Lori Duran
wrote in her rules of her life and one of them was (No regrets just lesson learned).
It answered my question if I have a graveyard I should be happy that I have learned
more lessons than anybody else.
Thank you Saint Denita Henson to show me my trash.
Thank you Saint Lori Duran to help me turn my trash into cash.
PS: Look around may the people I hate or dislike are saints sent to remind
me of my shortcomings. Once I become aware of my shortcoming God will sent other saint
to help me learn from my past and know my purpose and serve my purpose and live
happily here after. THE NEW BEGINING
Addendum: When is the last time you have checked your closet???
Trail of spirtual heating tips continues
Joe ‘s MOTTO of life
MON: E Embrace each day as a gift.
Tues: N Never surrender except to God.
Wed: D Do not let your situation get the best of you
Thurs: U Understand God’s purpose and presence.
Fri: R Remain as positive as possible.
Sat: E Excercise mind body and spirit.
Joe Smith’s Signature on file Name is changed for privacy reason
My addition SUNDAY: reflect, repent and rest and get ready for monday
to repeat the cycle, again and again.
Trail of spirtual healing 101 continues
Kia Washington’s rules of life
1)Bible is the only refuge for a chritian.
2)Understand the message and practice it faithfully and follow the Jesus’s foot steps.
3)Quest of knowledge in any form is form of worship.
4) A live thinking person keep changing and transforming with time.
Rocks and stones do not change.
5)Difficulties are gifts of God so humans can understand the purpose of life.
6)Human history and humans are treasures , waiting to be discovered.
7)The true feeling of soul is peace, happiness is a temporary feeling.
8)The secret of life is where ever I am, what ever condition I am in
Stay happy and content.
9)The first step towards rightousness is earning honest living, light of faith stands
on the foundation of honest bliving.
10) Work and serving creation is a form of worship.
Kia Washington Signature on file.