Lesson #1 Healing tip for the soul #63

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on January 23, 2015 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trial  of  healing  of the soul   101  continues

Special  thanks  to Pat Williams  for being  the inspiration   for me  to write this  healing tip.

There   are  several  theories    about    the beginning  of  human race.

1) Theory of evolution:   Human  was    primitive  and    evolve to be a human.

2)  Recornation   theory:  depending   what human  does  during their life time, come back

as  other form  of creation, some time  rat   or as  animal or as  a human.

3)Bible  &   Quran  theory:  God  created   human  and  declared  that human  are   best creation.

Everyone question  that statement.

God  replied   I know   what I am doing  and  ordered  everyone  to bow down to human.

Devil    refused  stating   he is  better, and challenge God   that he can even prove it if given

the opportunity.

God agreed,  and that  was the beginning of  human saga.

God’s claims that humans   are better than devil.

Devil claims that  he is better than human.

I have empathy  for devil. He made a grave mistake  due to not having  empathy for human

and could have leaned  from humans  and could have live  happy  peaceful life in the company


Devil  looked  at the out side  of human  which   is   just a vessel,  unable  to see the cargo(soul)

that  make human the best creation.

Lack of  empathy  is a characterstic  of devil.

Having empathy  for everyone  is learning and growing  process that  make humans  the  best creation.


PS: Every human being  is the best creation, and if  keep   learning  from everyone instead of looking down, like

devil  did , even   having empathy  for devil and learn from him ( Devil  and angels  do not have soul which is part of GOD) and  could not undersood   GOD’s claim.

Addendum:  In my life  when ever I felt sympathy  for others , I  was   always   paid with grief or frustration because

I judged that other  need my help, instead  having empathy and learn and teach each other  and being paid  with

peace  and joy.

Empathy I win.

Sympathy I lose.

NOTE:  Every human  I see   I try to see  the  cargo , vessel  may be damaged, Soul  is never damages  because  God

is   soul  guard.

If pray to GOD,   GOD  will  guard  my body and I will  live heavenly life.

PS2:  Body is made  of  dirt,  so nobody can be trusted included mine body,  Soul is

Godly ,    so each  soul  can be trusted including  my soul.

We are human being because we have  a body, we also are spiritual being

because we have a soul.

We all are soul mates,  body mating  is only and only for reproduction reason

within the marriage bond, any other body mating  is source on unlimited  diseases,

because   mixing two dirt is the source of contamination.

Modern  days  when  reproduction  can be done  in tubes,   body mating  is  out dated  and

very risky behavior.


Lesson #1 Healing tip for the soul #62

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on January 3, 2015 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail  of Spirtual  healing   101  continues

Special  thanks  to  Saint   Qudsia  Siddiqui  for being  the inspiration  for me to write this healing  tip.

God  is #1   I must know God  and obey God.

God  will make me aware that I am  a  God’s gift and  every thing  I have  is  a gift

God   will teach me how  to  use these gifts properly.

That awareness  will  teach me my  abilities   and make me realize the sickness of

heart body  mind  and   my  soul.

God will  help me to live healthy life.

When I will live healthy life than  God  will  grant  me the ability to  serve  creation,  and I will receive my

compensation from  the Creator.

Sickness  is  a gift of God  to make me  humble, so I can  have empathy with others,  and learn to live a

healthy life  and serve my purpose.  (Eternal  job security)


PS: Sickness is  a gift  so is health  so I can appreciate   and  learn to live a healthy life  in health and sickness.

Addendum: Blessed  are the sick, hungry and poor, Other can  earn their blessings by serving them.

Lesson #1 Spirtual healing tip for the soul

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on December 20, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail  of  spirtual  healing  101  continues

I am  muslim Chaplan at local   prison.

Yesterday’s   sermon  was given  by te inmate who is there  for  murder charge.

It was  such a powerful sermen. He said  today  when I reflect I see  all my life  like a film.

God  reminded   at every step  and I keep  ingoring, till I end  up her.

He  shared  his experience  when  he  was on probation, and he got  a job.

He called  his probation officer and told him about the good  news.

Probation officer said   you still   have to go to court tomarrow.

I grandmother want to come with me   He asked her  name adress  and telephone number.

next  day


Lesson 1 Spirtual Healing Tip 60

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on October 20, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of spirtual healing 101 continues

God Created  all the universe  and  angels and everything and every one just obey God’s will.

God Created the devil    and  gave him  a strong will.

Devil has  a will  and he choose  to  obey God’s will   and  he  become the chief of angel and felt good

and was hopeing that God  will appoint  him as his representative.

Then God  created human    and gave him a week will and declared that humans  will be my representative.

Angels questioned  why you  created human and give them power, they will create trouble and do blood shed

we  just obey you  and there is peace all over.

God  replied  I know  what you do not  and ordered every one to bow down to  Adam and Eve.

All did except devil. Devil said   I am better  than humans   and it is unfair  on your part to ask me to bow down to

inferioir creation, if you give me a chance I will prove it to you.

So the human saga began.

Human are no match to devil, but any human will submit his or her will  to God, will become the  supreme creation.

How do I know  what is the will of God?

When I reflect  I realize  this is a boot camp and every human  is  God’s master piece  and everyone  is going through

training  to serve a greater purpose.

When I reflect  I did good  things and I did bad things, other people  did  good things to me and I did good things to other.

My job is   repent   for all my sins and become the advocate  against the bad things I ever did  I did or other did to me, and

promote the good  things I ever did and other did to me.

That is God’s purpose  for me  and I   will  have empathy  for everyone  including  the devil  and  learn,  love and serve everyone.

I will feel that  my will will be the same  ad God’s will  and I will live a heavenly life.


PS:Each human is God’s  master piece, If I judge  them I am following the foot steps of devil, and my life will be  living hell

If I learn from everyone all pieces  will  fall into their place and I will see God  and live a heavenly life


Lesson #1 Spirtual Healing #59

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on October 12, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trial of  spirtual healing     101 continues

Religion is like a knife.

In a hand  of some religious people   is a tool  to defend their religion,

even justify killing someone.

In the hand  of  rightous   or spirtual  people   is  to tool  to slaughter their own

desires  like Abraham  did.

Some religous   perosn see wrong   in the world.

Rightous   or spitual person  see wrong within.

Some religous people’s  talk is  better than their walk.

True reghtous people’s   walk  do the talking for them.


PS: Religous  person fight back  and win sometime.

Rightous /spirtual  people   forgive and  always  win in the long run.

Religous  people wish everyone  follow their religion.

Rightous  spirtual pesrson  wish everyone  would have better peace  than he or she has.

Religous people are   at war   with  outside devil  of them.

Spirtual/Rightous   persons   are  with  devil within 24/7.

Addendum: Religous people’s need  are usualy   fulfilled  by the congegration

they serve.

Rightous/spirtual  fullfilled  the need of others and God fulfill  their need.



Lesson #1 Spirtual healing tip 58

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on September 21, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail  of spiritual  healing 101 continues

I  work  in local prison  as Muslim Chaplan  and other prison

as  a Physician  and  I come across  great  people  with great stories

and  great insight.

One Muslim inmate  who is  waiting  for trial for murder charge,

shared his  story,  he showed  me the picture in newspaper stating

that is not  him, devil  has taken over  me at that time.

But I needed  to be here to reflect,  I  am asked  to confess  and get life term or  go on trial

may end up on dead row.

I reflected   and realized that I need  to consult God.

I know   this is a reminder  from God   like many in the past  which  I  ignored  over and over.

God has make me  clear that this  is the best place for me  to get to know God , myself  and my purpose.

God  has  aware of the   crimes   I had forgotton and many I did not even knew were  crimes.

I am asking God  to decide  what I must do.

I am feeling  peace I never experience before, and I like to share this  peace with everyone.

I also  feel  that God  has forgiven  my sins, and I must be  the strongest advocate   against

the very sins I had commited, try to  neturilze the toxicity  I  caused.


PS: God  is waiting  for us to reflect  and repent for our sins, and God  will turn  on sins

into good deeds  and  reward and bless us. WHAT WE ARE WAITING FOR?


Lesson #1 Spirtual Healing Tip #57

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on September 13, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail Of spiritual healing   101  continues

God  is  #1

God created  me  and blessed me  and I  am #2

God   also  created  every one and every thing  and that is #3

Now I  know  my 1 , 2 3

Come on every one  please sing with me.

I am praying for everyone,  everyone please pray for me.

Everyone had helped me to grow, please write what you think  of

my tips and me.

Now I know my 1,2,3.


PS: Some one asked God  what is God’s  opinion about him or her.

God replied  ask my creation.

Addendum  :I must take care  of myself    so I can serve #3  and receive   more blessings

from #1 , #2 ( that is me )  needs  healthy diet , regular excercise of mind body and soul and  good night sleep

till  these requirement are not met #2 (that is me) can not help #3. If #3 can not wait #3 can call 911.

or call   1-800- CRE-ATOR   from  heart  phone  24/7 tool free  and God answers  every call personaly.

Lesson 1 Spirtual healing tip 56

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on September 9, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail  of spiritual healing 101  continues

Moses was  with his people  in the wilderness.

People were driving his crazy   they wanted  water near by instead  of fetching water from distant places.

Moses  prayed  to God  and God said  Hit the rock  with  the stick. Hit it once  and wait.

People   were yelling and screaming, Moses  was getting  upset,    he feel like hitting  people on their heads but

He  hit the rock instead and waiting,  crowd  start making fun of   Mosses, one said  you did the hit it correctely

hit  it again,  Moses  was  waiting   but the crowd  was getting angrier  and angrier, so He hit the rock 2nd time

and there was  a great flood.

God said  to Moses  I told  you  to hit once and wait.

Moses said people are  driving me crazy    I hit the rock  2nd time  and break the commandment  and I am sorry.

God   said  You was  inpatient, you were  angry toward my creation   so you will never see  the promised  land.


Moral of the story: Never  get upset  with people   and always   have patience , and never  break God’s  commandment

other wise not only you will cause  flood  you will never  the promised  land.

Addendum: Researcher  has discovered, that Moses was diabetic and his  blood sugar was high at that time,

Prophet does not make mistakes, Pt was not keeping up his appointment  with his family Doctor, beaceause

his insurance  had expired  and he could  pay the fee. Today no one have a reason to get upset   with God’s creation.

Keep your Doctors appointments  Ear healthy excercise   and sleep well, Moses was not told so he have a excuse,

If any one eat healthy  excercise and sleep well he will serve  God’s creation  and  will paid  with peaceful life and  will

discover the  promised land.

NOTE:  I love God’s creation  and paid  with peaceful life  and I live in promised land (USA).

I also serve   my patients   and  that is the sourse of my revenue  and  they are my heros and inspiration.


Lesson 1 Spirtual Healing tip 55

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on August 31, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

101 Trial of spirtual healing continues.

Long time ago  there was a small town  with no rain  for several years.

People were praying  for rain.

One man  saw  poor man  praying stating O God forgive our sins and  give us

rain   and continued repeating give  us rain, and give us now  and keep  reapting.

To that man surprice it start raining  and  he was impressed.

Poor man  stood up and  walk away, the other man followed  him to his home.

He   gather information about  that man.

He was told  he keep to himself no one realy know  much about him.

He decided to investigate and discovered  that he work one day a week  with a

temp agency. He told  the agency that he will hire him one day a week .

That poor man showed  up  to work for that man and  he  made a great offer,

lot of money  and offer him to stay  in his house.

Poor man  questioned  why is he se generous  with him.

Is this  important?

Yes it is the most important thing I like to know.

That man told  him the  the story of rain.

That man said I   can not accept that offer  and said you must be a rightous man

other wise God  does not reveal this kind of secret  to any one.

I  had     secret   relation with God  and  life was good,

now you know this  and then others will know it, I do not want it and do not need it.

He start praying right there  God take me now , take me now  and before  that man

approach  that poor man,  he was dead.

People  make  a  huge grave  for him  and people still go there to  pray.


PS: Rightous people   are special people of God  and God  does reveal that

secret to very special people. I do not  find rightous people, I need lot of work to do.

Rightous people are all over some times they do not know themselves.

You might find one in the morror.



Lesson 1 Spirtual Healing tip #54

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on August 30, 2014 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of spiritual healing    continues


I work in the prison  and discovered  a  saint.

Saint Joe Smith ( not his real name)   never complained, quiet person,

happy all the time ,which is  very     unusual   for   a  inmate.

That made very  curious but it was very difficult to get any information, So I

start giving out my healing tips, he  liked  those.

One day he said  how I come up such great healing tips.

I said people like  you  share their  stories  and   I  modify and  write   those  tips   and lot of people  get benefit from those

like you did.

After couple days  he  asked if he share his story    will  it  become the  part of medical record  or

any one know   who I am.

I assured him that is not the case , no one   will know, I will use the name of Joe Smith.

It was  a very long story, very inspirational  with great  lessons.

I grew  up in small town with  big family.

We were very poor, my father was a farmer ,  worked long hours too busy to help others and

not paying attention to  his  own family.

My mother and father  both were very nice and hard working.

My  elder brother  start having sex with me when I was 9yr and always pays me, so I never though it was wrong.

His  two friend  start having sex with me and paid me  and it continues.

I never thought that some thing  is wrong.

When I turn 15  I start doing  that to my younger brother  and  other kids, never thought that any thing is wrong.

I was  bright I get into college  major in business, and started  my own business and have kids.

I continue  my permescuse  sexual behavior even after marriage and never thought  there is anything wrong.

Life was good. Due to my accountant  carelessness I end up in prison  and met other inmates,

and realized , I am  not very  different  from them.

I   am fortunate that  my father and mother provided me  stable home, and were great role model.

If I  would have born   in  different home , I will be  in their shoes and doing worse than them.

First time in life I  had time to reflect, I remembered  my father always try to teach   bible,

I could not really understood.

I start reading bible, It seemed  I am reading the first time.

I loved the verse Matthew   Worship in secret, God will reward  openly.

I truly practiced that  and I start remembering  sins  I has forgotten and I repented  and repented.

Some time this struggle with myself become so painful, I wish I be stoned to death for my sins.

Finally I  start felling  kind of peace     I never experienced before. I  achieved  peace with God.

That is the best thing  happened to me.

I am  repenting  all the time and I know  how I will spend  rest of my life.

My conclusion   DO NO WRONG.

Especialy  Sex   who  is meant for reproduction  only between husband and wife.

Any other  kind of  sex  is toxic to the soul, even lustful looking  on others , even  pictures

are equally toxic  to soul.


PS: Sin is a sin  weather I am aware  or  not, damage is real, repent as soon

I realize  it  and never ever do it again  and become the strong advocate

against the I  had committed.

Attendum: I can only compare  myself  to me only, what I was yesterday,

what I am today and what I want to be tomarrow.

Yesterday  I was  a devil, and I did not knew it,

Today  I am a devil   and know it, I rather stay in  cage (Jail) till

I can cage the devil with in so I can live my life.

This is a most  difficult task  I ever  had to  cage the devil with in.

Hopefully tomarrow  I will be a Saint.

NOTE: Each Saint has a past.

Every sinner has  a future.

Devil has a great past, but no future   unless  he repent and be forgiven.