June 14 2016

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 10, 2016 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Two  fathers   were  talking  about  their sons.

One  father  said   my  son  is  the most  stupid  person   in the  world.

Other  father said    no  one  can  be  any  match  to  my  son.

First  father disagred  and  said  I  will  prove  to  you that  my  son  is    more  stupid than  your  father.

So  he called  his  son  and  said  said  Son   Call  your  mother  and  ask if  I am  with  her.

Son Said  Sure   dad   and  left.

Other  father  called  his  son    and  said  I  want to buy  a  car,  here  is  $20     can  you get  me  a car   we  do need  an extra  car

for your  mom.

Both Sons  med  outside  and first  son said  My dad  is  the most  stupid  person  in the world.

Second  son  said   you  dad  is  no match to my  dad.  My  dad is the most  stupid  person in the  world.

First one   said  My dad is not  only  stupid  he  is lazy.  The telephone   was  next  to  him  hecould call  him self to check with Mom.

No  not only   he can not think  and  is too lazy    and  tell  me  to  do it.

Second  son  said   my dad  told  me  to  buy the  car   and  never   told  me  which  kind  or  color    and  when I  will  get  the  car   he  will

yeell   at  me.

What  is  the  moral  of  the  story?

June 13 2016

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

When I  was  a child   I  loved   Robin  Hood    who  rob  the  rich  and   give   to poors

Now  I have  lot of  questions.

Some one   said   50  %  used  to his  service charge   and  either  he comited  suiside  or   was  killed   during  robery.

Now   I  loved  Robin Williams   and  he  comitted  suiside.

Now  I  have lot  of   questions.

Do  I like  to be  Robin Hood  or  Robin Williams??

What  about  you  guys  ?  Love  to  have  your  input.

June 11 2016

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

I read  a  artiche  that  a  college  professor   need  cardiac transplant.

He end  up   reciving   the  heart  of   drunk  driver  who died  in    MVA.

After  the tranplant, the professor  never  used  alchol    start  drinking  heavily  and  died  of  liver issues.

I  am  not  sure  about the validity   of  this  story,  but  it  certainly  raise   questions in my mind.

Is  brain  is  the command  center  or  heart   is the command center  or  two  different  center  work  together

or  work independently.

Give  your opinion      thanks

June 12 2016

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Weekly    Schedule    ENDURE

SUNDAY   REFLECT, REPENT,REET   and  get  ready  for    the  week

MONDAY           E     Embrace  each  day  as  a  gift

TUESDAY           N     Never  surrender  except  to  GOD

WEDNESDAT    D    Do not let   your situation  get  the best of  you

THURSDAY        U    Understand  GOD’s  purpose  and  feel  GOD’s presence.

FRIDAY               R      Remain as  positie  as  possible

SATURDAY         E     Excercise  mind  body and  soul

SUNDAY     REFLECT, REPENT,REST    and  get  ready  for monday  to  repeat  the cycle   again and  again.


Courtsey  of  a  Inmate  from   Camp Hill  Prison, Pa.

june 10 2016

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 9, 2016 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Long time  ago   innocent Jackie  fall  in love    with Jack  and  end up giving her heart to him.

Jack  broke  that heart   and  left jackie    with a  broken heart.

Jackie  looked  in the  mirror and  saw  the most  beutiful  person in the mirror  and fall  in love with herself.

She realized  her   mistake  and  promise  to herself  to love herself    and   be on honeymoon  with self  till death.

She  worked  very hart    and  finaly discoverd  the recipe  to  fix  her  broken  heart, that  was  self  love.

Jackie  get rid  of  all the broken  and  defective  part of her heart  and   had  a  strong  healthy heart.

Jack   went out  with  Jill  and fell  down  the  the hill,  and  broke  his  neck,  start  cursing  Jill.

Jill   got  angry  called  him Jack ass    and  left  him.

Jack  with no place  to  go  came  to Jackie  with broken neck.

Jackie    took care  of  him    and   his  neck  got  better.

Jack   stole  Jackie  heart  and  try  to break  it,  but  unable to  so  so ,  it  was   unbreakable.

Jackie  asked  Jack  to give  his  defectice heart  to her  so she  can fix  his heart.

Jack  end up giving his heart  to  Jackie .

Jackie   treated  his  heart    and  it  become  a  healthy heart  and  gave back  to Jack   and  told  him  how  to take care of his heart.

Now  Jack  fall   in love  with  Jackie and  they  got married   and  live happily ever after,\.


QUIZ      What  is   the moral  of  the  story?

July 8 2016

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 8, 2016 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

My father  was   very unusual man.

when  I  was  23    I  was walking  with  him   and  man  met us  and  start talking to my  dad  and  I felt he  was very

disrespetful  to  my  dad.

SO I    confronted  him  and  said  Sir     You  do not have  the manner  how  to talk  to may dad.

My Dad intervened  and  said   Please  forgive  and  pray  for my  boy  he just just do not  know   what

a  wonderful man you  are.

I  was  furious   but kept my mouth  shut.

After ward  I  confronted my  dad  and  said  people   like  you  cause  problem  for others,  and  people  like than man  will

keep  disrespeting  other people  and  this  is all  your faulkt.

My father smiled   and  said  do  you thoink  you can teach him  the menner.

I said  no    but  he  should be told.

Then  he posed  another  question  why  he disrespected me?

He  is a mean person  I  replied

He  said   I beg   to  disagree    with  you . We  are not  judges. Every  thing happen  for  a  reason

How  do  we  know the  reason,  Reflect  and  I  know  that   God  send  him  to  remind  me that  I  have  to earn respect   .

He  was  a post  man  or  messenger  of  God  to remind me  to get  my  get act together  and  I  am  so thankful  God  has

granted me  a son like  you  who love me so much.

I  could  not  understand  his logic    and  felt  it is hopeless   to talk to him  any further.

To my surprise  couple weeks  later  same  man      brought   a   big basket   of  fruit  and  said  to me  This  is  for  your father  not  for  you.

I  did  not  understood then  but  I understand now  what my father  was trying  to teach me.


June 8th 2016

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 7, 2016 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Brain  is  like  a  computer    work   according  to learned  behavior,

work reasoning (  that  can be reasonable  or unreasonable)   and  very  well     get  contaminated    with   viruses  and  crash before  its  time.


June 7 2016

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 6, 2016 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »


I  loved  puffing.

I start huffing.

I  continue   to puff  and  huff.

My last  advise  to  humanity, Please  donot  start puffing,  if  you  are  a puffer Please  stop.

Sincerely  Yours

Ex smoker

Graveyard St  Grave  #420    COPD County

DeadCity ,   DC   12345

1-800-smo-ker  ext loser


June 6 2016

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 5, 2016 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Yesterday  I  saw   a  movie  ZOOTOPIA     with  my  son   and  wife.

This  remind  me  of   the  story  I  told  my  daughter  who also wanted  to  hear a  story,

and  want  me to make  a story no one has  ever heard  and  the main character have  to be a female.

So I  told  her   the story  of Deer  King

Long  time  ago  there  was  a  middle  age female   Deer  single   Mom   with  3  kids   and  her  was  eaten up

by  the Lion King.

She reflected   and  realize  that it  is  time  for   action.

She  declared  that  she  in  the  king of  jungle  and    challenged  daval   with Long King.

On  appointed  time  every one  was  surprised  how  well  Deer  was  prepared.

Lion keep  attacking   but  Deer  was  too fast  for  him.

He  was huffing , puffing  and  sweating.

Deer  ran  in the jungle  and  jumped  over a  big    ditche  she  had  made  to trap  the  Lion.

Lion  fall  into  the ditche   and  become the captive  of   Deer.

Deer  king    made the  consitition    of  the  jungle.

No  animal  was  allowed  to kill  or  hurt anyone  in any form of  shape

The    criminal   put in the ditche   with  hungry  Lion inside.

The  was  peace    in the  Jug le .

My  daughter  declaed  she  will  be  a king  one  day.



Letter to Dr Shaikh

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on June 3, 2016 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Dear  Dr  Shaikh    Your  healing   tip   about  volunteer,  victim  and   abuser   hit   me.

That  was   on my  mind  all  day

and  I  had   a dream  that night  that  answered all  my  questions.

I  realized  I  was  not  the  victim  but  was  a  volunteer   and  self  abuser  all  along  and  I  am  still  doing  it  in  different  way.

I  will  allow  people  to  walk  all over me.

I  know  what  I  have  to  do  to  transform  myself   from  volunteer  /  self  abuser   and   to    become  truly self aware.

Very  weird  dream.

In my  dream   my   brother  was asking me  to have  sex  with him and  I was  refusing .

He  was insisting  nicely  and  I agreed,    and  I  woke  up.

That  explained  my behavior, I  will  do anything  to please  others.  and  hoping   that they  will be  nice to me in return .

I have  fear   and I  will  do anything  to have peace  and  felt  good about  myself.

Now  I know  I have  to  change.

Thank you  very  much  for  your healing  tip

Jane  Smith. Self  abuser  / Volenteer