This world is a prison for spirtual being and a free world for human beings
That prison one will have heavenly life and out side that prison life is a living hell.
Each human being is state of civil war within.
Unable to sign peace treaty or conquer self.
Then humans try to sign treaty with others or conquer others.
but still unable to live heavenly life.
Spiritual being have peace with self and live heavenly life.
Heavenly Ending
If I am a spirtrual being, I will be truely thankful for everything and every one knowing
without them I can never become would have come a spirtual being.
Everything and everyone is a great blessing, regardless when they did to me or I did to them,
and helped me to be who I am.
I will have empathy with everyone and feel their pain and wish and pray for them to make me a blessing
to them ans they are to me and they discover that they are lot wore wonderful than me.
One’s greatest challange is to control oneself.
Becuase humans are very complex always it is
I, My Me and Myself all four has mind of their own and never agree to
work together.
Each human is in a state of civil war unless one become spirtual being.
Instead have peace within we try to have peace with others, which off
couse almost fails.
When I am not not honest with myself, I will never live heavenly life.
Special thanks to one wonderful spirtual being ( I will call Her Jane Smith) not her real name for being a inspiration for me to write this healing Tip
If I truely love myaself, I have a up hill task to fight against the my lazziness,
if I conquor my lazziness, keep growing and will heavenly life.
Then I will have the capacity to love others unconditionaly.
When I claim to love others I am truely a self abuser, and never ever live a
heavenly life.
Self love I will see wisdom with in, become self aware and become spirtual being.
All the pains tuen into joy.
All the things used to cause agony now bring peace.
Nothing chnaged, except me, from human being to spirtual being.
PS My worst enemy is my lazziness, to confront myself.
Humans are made of dirt.
God blow the breath in us and we starting breathing.
I must thank God for each breath , stay connected with my maker,
and live heavenly life.
For every sickness there is a cure.
All I have to do dig within and find my sickness and look for cure and live heavenly life.
If I am not living heavenly life, I do not know my disease, or have a wrong diagnosis,
or not looking in the right place for cure, or do not have a good Physician.
Life is suffering followed by the reward.
The reward is discover the purpose of life.
Avoid or deny suffering is a sickness and cause suffering.
Spiritual beings well come the suffering and keep consuming those suffer and keep growing.
I have a choice to welcome suffering and consuming it and keep growing.
Or avoid or deny suffering and create suffering for myself and others .
Either way I will serve mu purpose.
Prsion is realy a paradise
There are Bars Books, Boys and Bed.
Lot of time to reflect and turn out to be a paradise.
One Inmate wrote
The persons I loved the most hurt me the most.
Now I have learned my 1 2 &3
I am a gift of GOD to me.
1) I must love GOD the most.
2)God will give me the ability to love myself more.
3)Then I will be able to love everyone.
Then if anyone try to hurt me , it will make me stronger.
NOW I KNOW MY 1 2 & 3
It is never too late to learn your 1 2 & 3 even if you not in the prison (PARADISE)
I work in prison system and one of the inmate said
The person you love the most hurt you the most.
Why? He told his sad story. What is wrong?
I am a gift to me from GOD.
1) I must love God the most.
2) Then I must love myself more.
3) Then I will be able to love everyone .
If anyone try to hurt me it will only make me stronger.
Now I know my 1 2 3
PS: it is never too late to learn your 1, 2 , 3