When I reflect on my life.
I liked to talk and tell other people what to do and felt
I am smarter than them, never felt the need to listen to no one.
I used jokes to convey my massages, and was well liked and helped me to be successful.
Later in life I realized more I talk more I get into trouble.
I always felt it is their loss, never felt the need to listen to them.
When I become physician, I will tell people what to do, and they do the opposite.
I get my paycheck, if they do not listen it is their loss.
I never cared if people had problem with me, It is their problem.
I am so successful they are not their loss.
Due to some reason I start listening to people, instead of waiting for my turn to talk.
To my surprise Patient start liking me and out start getting better.
I thought patient are getting better , because I was always great.
More I listen, more I learned and I realized how wrong I was all along.
Now I listen, learn and write healing tips that truly heals me.
Sometime I get lot of positive response few negative and mostly no response.
All are equally important and beneficial to me.
I truly thank everyone especially my patients , friend family and co workers in particular
and everyone and everybody in particular.
You all are my heroes. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Special thanks to a Inmate and Shannon for being the inspiration to write this healing tip.
In my lonely cell only person I can play chess is myself.
I noticed when I win I also loses.
When I loose , I also win.
I learn depending the intensity of the game.
Chess is a serious game.
It is win, win when put 100% effort.
It is win loose or loose win if I put 50% effort
It is a loose, loose if I put 0% effort.
I learn defense and offence when I put 100% effort.
Now I am ready for anyone or any body.
When I conquer myself I feel really victorious. 🙂
I love GOD,LORD, CREATOR, ALLAH, few of many names of one GOD.
Sequence do change from time to time depend where I am and whom I am talking with.
I love my wife and my family.
I love my patients and my friends.
I love everything and everyone.
If you are reading this post and one who do not read my post I love all of them.
I learn when I get a response of my post and also learn when I do not get response of my post.
PS I love myself too.
Life isgift of GOD.
I love life and I am on honeymoon till my very last breath.
Last breath will be sweetest because I will meet my maker
and live eternal life.
I cried with my first breath, and I will have a big smile with my last breath 🙂
A person who does nit forgive others is punishing himself or herself
has no self love.
This a very self destructive.
Expect the worse from others and wish them the best.
You will never be disappointed, may be pleasantly surprised at times. 🙂
Pleasure of unhealthy love lasts a moment, with long term consequences.
Pleasure of healthy love last for ever with rewards and joy.
The primary function of a human to nuture the soul to become a spirtual being.
Healthy nuturing of the mind and body is a by product of being a spirtual being.
The way I see it
This world is a prison and everyone is serving life term.
some of us get conviucted and go to prision ( which is a prison with in a prison)
To me I found them blessed because are they are paying the price by serving time.
More I try to serve them more blessing I earn and can feel it.
Inmate in prsions are easier to deal than in inmates outside the prison.
Story of a 80 years old Inmate
when I was 23 , I was attacked by a robber, I fought back
and robber end up dead.
I got scared and ran away, to another state and become a priest.
I was priest for 50 years.
I was living peaceful life but the guilt often bothered me.
Finally I broke down and report to the authorities.
I am in jail but I am truly free, knowing that I will meet my maker with clean slate.