she was oldest sister to her 2 sisters and one brother. Her parents both worked and she assumed the responsibility of mom , took care of household from early childhood, great student went to college, and got a job and another job to take care of old sick parents and kept them home that what they wanted. Never got married or had a boy friend.
now herself old and sick living alone like a trooper.
She transferred to my practice, due to insurance reasons and I was amazed you happy content angel 👼 like face, very fragile physically but a spirtual giant.
She is a great role model and inspiration.
Today on thanksgiving day I talked to her and thank her for everything she had done and today is true thanksgiving day for me.
I had the honor to meet 83 year lady looked like an angel 😇 I see a Spirtual being in her, and was very surprised to hear her daily routine , more busy than my schedule Listening to her was such a refreshing experience, concerned about the fire 🔥 in California, sympathy for an abused women, nothing but love ❤️ for humanity .people like her are the foundation of humanity, physically week , but a spirtual giant, light of hope for all.I felt she is already in heaven, and I can imagine her path.
To reach heaven one must go through hell, she did it a great role model for me and rest of humanity.
if I do not love ❤️ everyone, I have not discovered my proper place yet.
If I ignore Mother Nature , I will keep getting reminders , red lughts, danger ahead, take a U turn, till the very end, then Mother Nature will take its course, I may hate it, but I earned it.
Love +labor = true love ❤️
With true love 💗 I have peace ☮️ with myself and conquer anything anyone .
Love + laziness = anti Love.
Laziness is root cause of all evil 😈
and I will lose myself.
PS: with true love ❤️I will live full life.
and without I will lose quality and quantity of life and die before my time.