5/19/2019 GPS

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on May 19, 2019 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Mother 👵Nature  is perfect.

My heart  ❤️has a GPS . If I turn it on , it gets connected to Mother👵 Nature  and  showed me the road map to heaven.

I did not like the path and turned it off.

My heart  fall in love  with  money  material things ,  I  got sick and found myself  at a dead-end.

I tried to turn my GPS on ,to my surprise  it worked , and helped me to get back on road to heaven.

I felt the true love  of Mother Nature and will never will turn  off my GPS.

The Path is difficult,   full    of  obstacles  sometimes  I have  to carve the path with the help of my GPS.

My goal is to follow directions to best of my abilities


PS: keep your GPS on you , follow directions  you will reach your destination



5/11/2019 religion spirituality

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on May 13, 2019 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Spirituality is  content, and religion is the covering.

Beautiful covering without beautiful content can be deceiving.

soul is the content and flesh is the covering.

A beautiful flesh with a sick soul  can be deceiving to self , to other and person tries to make it more beautiful to get more attention.

Beautiful soul  in beautiful flesh will hide the flesh  for self protection, to protect others and live heavenly life.

PS: purify , beatify the soul ,rest is just dirt, made of dirt and will end in dirt.


5/12/2019 Mother’s day

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on May 12, 2019 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Today is Mother’s 👵Day.

Thanks to the Inmate who inspired me to write this healing tip.

I said “Happy Mother’s Day.”👩

He said my mother👵 was  full of love.❤️ . She used to say  “Boy 🧒do not fuss with me, do what I tell you to do, other wise  your dad will kick  your butt”

Now I hear the same message from  MOTHER NATURE.👵

Is there any such thing as Mother Nature?👵

I do not see, but I can feel  the love of mother  nature.👵

Is mother nature  is  another name of  GOD?

Is GOD Father Nature?🧔🏼

I feel  I do not know  anything, but  I feel love for  myself,  for everyone and  everything.

I am becoming  aware of a self destructive part in me, which is judgmental. I have to  find peace  ✌️ with my judgmental part, sign a peace treaty  and discover  self peace,

Acceptance  for everyone, everything, see  the  beauty of  everyone and  everything,

feel other’s  pain, I will forget mine,  have empathy,  and love everyone.

PS:  Mother Nature👵,nurtures everyone, everything, and loves unconditionally. I must  do the same.

NOTE    He told me he is writing  a  book Titled Do Not Fuss  with your Mother👵




5/7/2019 forgiveness

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on May 7, 2019 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

If anyone did wrong to me, hurt me. In any way, until I forgive, pray and do good in return, I am doing wrong , hurting myself, for  something is not even my fault.

PS: try it you will find instant peace ✌️