
Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 28, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

If  I  feel   I  am not   closer to  God than I  was  yesterday.

Watch  my  steps

God  will take  2  steps  towards  me  If   I   take one  step towards  God

If  I  take  two  step away from me  God  will  take one step  towards me.

Feelings  are   a  GPS   to lead   us   to  GOD.


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Life  is   a  mystery   and  so  is  death.

I  have  discovered the  purpose of my life  is to live a  full  and  happy life,

so  that I  will  not  fear  death.

If  I  fear  death  I  well  never live a full life.

Mystery  solved 🙂


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 27, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: 1 Comment »

First  heart  beat  is  usually  heard   around  6  to 8  weeks.

This  is  the  primary  human   with  no  brain no  limbs ,

Start  of a  human  life ,   heart   pumps  on  it  owns  to  nurture that human  body.

That  is  a soul  driven  heart .

That  human  has  pure  clean  personality  and  get  exposed  to the  surrounding

and start  developing  secondary  personality.

Each  human  has  a  choice  be      to  self  purify    and  revert  back  to  primary

personality  and  live  heavenly  life.

That    will  lot  of   soul  searching   mind  body  cleansing,  but  can  be  accomplished.

Humans  are  the  supreme  creation   with   unlimited  qualities  and  potential.



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Acquiring righteousness, godliness, faith, love patience  and meekness

is  the  recipe    for  happiness  and success.

How  I  acquire these  qualities  is   my  business.

Am  I  willing  to  confront my  worst enemy  that is me,

and be  true  to  myself?

If  answer is  yes  I  not  only  acquire   all those  qualities  and  lot  more 🙂


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 25, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: 1 Comment »

Live  life    keeping  goal  in  mind  and   sometimes I may  have  to  put  blinder to block distraction.

If  my  goal  is  to  serve  my  purpose  and  serve my time  well  to earn  my freedom, Do I  know  my  purpose?

May  be  discivering  the   purpose  is  my  goal  # !



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If  I  have  long term  goals.

I  must  celebrate  my  short  term  failures  and  succcess    equaly,

b ecause    both  are   only  the stepping stones   to  my  long term victory.


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Milo Yiannopoulos is  in the  news  lately.

Being  a  physician   I  am  very  much  interested   in  sexuality.

Sexual  behaviors   are  very  well  understood.

I  learned  a lot  from  Milo ,  add  a  lot  of  new  information   to have  a better  understanding.

He  claims  he   had  sexual relationship     at the  age  of  14   with a  27  yo  man.

I  am  not  sure    if  he  is    still  in that relationship.

He  claims  to be  gay.  I came  across  lot  of  similar  kind of  encounters.

Commonly   I  have  noticed   most  guy  man  like  to be  at  receiving  end.

One  guy  couple  I  know, both   refer   to their partner as husband.

Both  start  having  se   with  older  man    as  teen  ager.

Similar  to Milo.  Does  he  consider  his  partnet  as  husband?

Lot  can  be  learned  from  Milo  about  this  complex  issues.  I  will  stay  tuned

to more   info  from  Milo.


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 24, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Courtesy  Of  a Inmate

I  discovered    self  love  in   my  lonely dark  cell.

L     is  the  light

O    open  the  eyes  of  my  heart,  and  see  the universe with  in

V   I  become  victorious     first  time  in my life.

E    every  day  I    discover  new  and  improved   me

and  prison  is  a  paradise  for  me.


PS  :   Hamilton  Health   can  be  heaven  or  hell

with  self  love  it  is  heaven      with  self  hate  it  is  hell.

Attendum      If  you  do not like  Heaven  you  are well come  to  go  to paradise.


Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on February 23, 2017 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

My  inventory  of  the  day

Do  I  know   my  feeling   toward  myself?

Do  I  know  my feeling   toward   others?

Do  I  realize  what kind of  thoughts my mind entertain?

If  I  am  not  aware

Do  I  pay attention  to  the  quality  of life?

Am  I  am  living a  full  life?

if not  why  not?

Do  I  know  what  goes in my  mouth  and  what  comes  out of my  mouth?

Do I know  in  the morning   what  kind of  day  I  will  have?

at  night  when  I  look  back  , Does the  day  turn out   the  same I  expected?

If  I can not  answer  any one  of  those question  what does  that mean?




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Self  made   person  is  used  to  praise some one

I   reflected    and  realized   than each  human are  God made.

In  reality     so  called  self made  people   are  self aware  people  know  GOD

Every  human  is  God made   has  the  ability   to be self aware.

If  I  have  God’s  love   ,  I  will  love  everyone  knowing everyone  is

serving  a  purpose   to remind  me  of  GOD.

If  I  love  God    I  will   love  everything  made   by  GOD.