Healing Tips for the Mind, Body & Soul #13 Part 2

Posted By: Joe Uhrinek on January 31, 2016 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of healing 101 begins       For Jan 13th 2016


Dr Shaikh,

I’m not really sure how begin…I’m not very good at writing, so I guess I will just start fom the beginning and let it all out.

I was angry, hurt and at times I guess I felt I needed to get even…as a child my parents never really wanted me, so my father took off…got re-married and took care of his step kids…if we run into one nother we say hi.  My mother would just drop me off wherever she could…my childhood was basically a lot of abuse mentally/physically and sexually.  Once I was old enought to stand up for myself she decided to kick me out and we didn’t speak for fourteen years…although, she had two girls with her second husband and always made sure she was there for them, and of course the husband hated me.  I’ve gone without food, holidays…pretty much been put through it.

Once I got married to my first husband, I was never complete…so after fifteen years instead of just leaving…what did I do…I had an affair as a way out.  that relationship was doomed from the get go!  But it led me to my now husband of six years, and we have been together for nine years.

Around seven years ago, my mother, aunt and two sisters tried to “reconnect” well, nothing changed…unless we were giving, doing or whatever…that’s when they wanted to bother (and they were never able to help us…including when I had surgeries), I can’t even count how much money they got out of us.  My mother even had us help her and the older daughter with her three kids move to this area in hopes that they could start over… since the younger daughter would beat on them and abuse them, so my husband and I did.  Well, what did she do… the same thing… but this time humiliated us around people we know and brought the youngest up here…who lives with the man she was having an affair with and is living with him, his brother, parents and the ex-girlfriend and her son.  After being cursed at, put down and used…we finally cut all ties.  Once can only take so much.

II know GOD, Jesus, the Blessed Mother, Holy Spirit, Saints and the angels…led me to my husband, who is my best friend, my rock, and the one I know…no matter what, will always be by my side.  And to you…without you having me do my “HOMEWORK” on my first visit…I know I would not have gotten myself back or the strength to realize…I MATTER!.  And most important…backk to the LORD!

When I first looked at the questions…honestly, I thought …oh, this is going to be easy, well, it wasn’t!  I really needed to dig deep and let things out that I didn’t want to…just not to have to deal with the pain.  But I’m glad I did!



Healing Tips for the Mind, Body & Soul #12 Part 2

Posted By: Joe Uhrinek on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of healing 101 begins       For Jan 12th 2016


1. I enjoy:  I don’t know anymore

2. I am confused about:  What changes I want to make in my career

3. My favorite activity is:  Camping

4. My greatest wish is:  We could have children or could afford to adopt

5. What makes me special is:  Caring, trustworthy and giving

6. I am unhappy about:  My family not being motivated to take care of themselves

7. My father:  Nothing to tell – he left when I was Five years old

8. My mother:  Drives me crazy – she wants me to support her all the time

9. Some people:  Are so negative

10. Happiness:  Spending time with my husband – he is my best friend

11. One thing that I have lost is:  Myself

12. The best thing about my job (or School) is:  I’m left alone to do my job – It’s very relaxed, but I need a change -I’m tired of office work

13. At night:  I wish I didn’t have to hear all the nonsense from my family

14. When I am alone:  I think about how I can change things in my life to get it better.

15. I would like to forgive:  Me – for stupit things I’ve done as a young adult

16. I wish others would see me as:  A caring person with feelings

17. Many times I have tried:  To Move and save money

18. I have been sruprised about:  I can’t remember

19. The thoughts that are hard to let go are:  Not being able to have children

20. My best trait is:  I’m genuine

– One dream I have is to write an e-Book cookbook but can’t afford a computer

Healing Tips for the Mind, Body & Soul #11 Part 2

Posted By: Joe Uhrinek on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of healing 101 begins       For Jan 11th 2016


1. I enjoy:  Chasing my daughter around playing

2. I am confused about: Tantrums and my anxiety

3. My favorite activity is:  Watching movies with family

4. My greatest wish is:  For my daughter to live a full healthy life

5. What makes me special is:  My ability to overcome obstacles

6. I am unhappy about:  Loss of a best friend and then my baby’s father killed himself

7. My father:  Is a loser, however my stepfather is amazing

8. My mother:  Is wonderful

9. Some people: Are judgemental, cruel and ignorant

10. Happiness:  Is my greatest wish and I’m not there yet

11. One thing that I have lost is:  My confidence

12. The best thing about my job (or school) is:  I’m disabled

13. At night:  I toss and turn and wake up startled

14. When I am alone:  I’m never alone

15. I would like to forgive:  Tommy for killing himself

16. I wish others would see me as:  A strong mother

17. Many times I have tried:  to be a strong person

18. I have been surprised about:  How great I changed so far

19. The thoughts that are hard to let go are:  Abuse, sexual abuse, physical abuse

20. My best trait is:  My intelligence and compassionate behavior


Healing Tips for the Mind, Body & Soul #10 Part 2

Posted By: Joe Uhrinek on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of healing 101 begins       For Jan 10th 2016


Dr Shaikh,

I want to thank you for helping me address the source of my pain and also thank you for telling me it’s OK to take this journey at my own pace.  I think it’s really working!  I am already feeling accomplished just for starting to address my emotional hurt.  thank you for sharing all the messages of hope from these brave women.  Thank you for being you.  You certainly stand out as a Doctor.  I’m heading back across the country but I will remember and take with me your words.



Healing Tips for the Mind, Body & Soul #9 Part 2

Posted By: Joe Uhrinek on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of healing 101 begins       For Jan 9th 2016


Dr Shaikh,

It would take forever to tell you how grateful I am to God that he blessed me with a doctor like you.  I’ve been your patient for around 30 years and you walked a long journey with me mentally, physically and spiritually.  You were always a doctor that would put your patients before yourself.  When you swore the oath to be a doctor, you did it with a heart for God and a heart for helping many people.  Most doctors are in a hurry when it comes to patients, but you will listen to the patient with a caring heart.  I’ve been so blessed to have you as my doctor and as I grew close to God, I learned through you that we are to love one another.  As God commands.  I pray I may growto love and care for all different walks of life of people like you do.  May God bless you always and in all things.

You are blessed.  I am so grateful that you are my doctor



Healing Tips for the Mind, Body & Soul #8 Part 2

Posted By: Joe Uhrinek on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail of healing 101 begins       For Jan 8th 2016


Dear Arif,

Today was overwhelming.  I was at the center twice today – once for Ob/Gyn and once for Adult Medicine for my blood pressure.  I was also there Friday.  Today is Monday.  Your kindness and compassion brought me to tears.  I thought previously I may need to use my insurance references to find a new primary care physician – Today I found my primary care Doctor.  It was more of a spiritual visit than a Doctor visit.  When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.  We are all students and we are all teachers. This issue of blood pressure will soon be under hand

Thank You!



Healing Tips for the Mind, Body & Soul #7 Part 2

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on January 2, 2016 in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail   of  healing  101   begins       For  Jan  7th   2016


Dear Dr Shaikh,

Thank you for your insightful book.  It has been very helpful to me as I reflect on choices I have made in my life and the consequences and outcomes that have followed.  The healing tips in your book, on your website and when I see you in the office make me realize some of the destructive behaviors I have allowed in my life and MY ability to make positive changes.  It is no one else’s fault but mine if I can’t be happy.  No one controls my happiness except me – I am the only person that can allow someone to take my happiness away.

I have made some positive changes in my life over the last year.  I’m upset that it has taken me as long as it has to realize the negative influences I’ve allowed around me but I also feel  a certain peace and happiness which I haven’t felt in years – Maybe I needed to experience one to recognize and realize the potential of the other?

Family and friends that care about me tried to help me understand this but I know now that I needed to experience this journey by myself for any lasting changes to be made.

It’s easy to go through each day and think about the future and not realize the best things about the day and timeyou are currently experiencing.  I’m trying to practice being present in each moment.

I am not perfect and each day, I must evaluate myself and make sure I’m not veering off the right path.  I want to continue to evolve and become better each day.  I try to start each day asking God to help me be the best I can be and guide me into making good choices.

You mentioned to me recently that a man that found your healing tips helpful had been throught a lot but he was happy.  That stuck with me.  You also said that most people have to go throught difficult times that test their strength to really appreciate the small things in life.  You said that if everyone would recognize the strengly they have inside of themselves before they are tested, it would make so many people stronger and aware of their full potential.

Thank you for your support and help as I work on my won personal journey.  I hope that I might be able to help others one day realize their potential and ability to be happy.  You are in inspiration to all!


Healing Tips for the Mind, Body & Soul #6 Part 2

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Part 2  Trail   of  healing  101   begins       For  Jan  6th   2016


Dr Shaikh,

I loved your book “Healing Tips”.  I have been meaning to tell you how beneficial my visits to you have been.  Your book and your encouragement and overall positive approach have been profoundly helpful in restoring my self-image and providing insights into the root cause of my problem.

I just want you to know how much I appreciate your approach.

Stan Shohl

Healing Tips for the Mind, Body & Soul #5 Part 2

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail   of  healing  101   begins       For  Jan  5th   2016


Dr Shaikh,

You are my friend as well as my physician.  The book “Healing Tips” is a plethora of information.  Many talks we’ve shared over the years have brought to light and many pieces of advice for both of us.  As Ben Franklin once said, “Something well done is better than well said”

You know a spiritual problem can’t be fixed by a physical (worldly) solution.  The man with all the worldly goods and no spirituality is still bankrupt!

The Body, Mind and Spirit needs to be “fed” equally.  Thus starving one will surely sicken ALL!  With that my Doctor, friend and mentor, I close.

John Cavalier

P.S.  At times we must lose sight of the comfort of shore to find and explore new oceans.

Healing Tips for the Mind, Body & Soul #4 Part 2

Posted By: Dr. Shaikh on in Uncategorized - Comments: No Comments »

Trail   of  healing  101   begins       For  Jan  4th   2016


Dr Shaikh,

You’re book Healing Tips has been extremely helpful and insightful to me.  It’s a great guide for difficult times for people everywhere.  Certainly it has helped me a lot with my circumstances.  Many points taught me that foremost we are all important, be grateful, find purpose through suffering, take care of the moment, judge yourself first, we control our reaction to circumstances.  Survive by excercising your mind, body and spirit, your state of mind controls what you see, develop immunity to offences, condemnation and put downs.  Don’t judge successes by outcome, learn from others, and worship God through service, hard work and love.  Think positive thoughts, stay strong and focus on the goal.

You provide inspiration and guidance to so many of us.  When so much turns against us, God sends you full light and wisdom.

Challenge after challenge has visitedus.  Your words come through the clouds.  You provide faith, hope and love.  It comes on a plate of humility.  Your words turn trash into beauty.  You gave a reason to go on, the way to do it, and the genuineness to help everybody listen.  Your words are remembered; your life is admired.


Jerry Sandusky