Everything and everyone is teaching me a valuable lesson.
If I keep learning I will live perfect live.
GOD shower me with billions and billions of blessings each moment.
For example rain is a blessing.
If I forget to appreciate this blessing and forget to thank GOD,
God send hurricane to remind me.
If I reflect repent and be thankful for the reminder, I continue to receive unlimited blessings.
May GOD give us the ability to appreciate and thankful for the blessings.
EXODUS 20:30
You shall have no gods before me.
Understanding and Practicing this verse is a secret of living heavenly life.
GOD is righteous and feel the pain of each sinner who do not feel the pain of their sins so
they can live pain free life.
Saints feel the pain of their sins and stay in state of repentance and worship to ease their pain
which do become unbearable at times.
Once they overcome their pains they start the pains of other sinners love them learn from them and
help them with the best of their ability.
Once they become righteous, they live in the fellowship of GOD and live heavenly life.
Joy and benefits of sins rob the quality of life.
Huge bank account and all the material things do not give peace of mind.
Drug alcohol sex are short term pleasure usually lead to addiction STD and other serious
Cure is become aware of sins and know their toxic affects.
Once the sins are diagnosed, not only medical treatment is important, prayer repentance
and helping the needy sick poor & hungry add heeling ingredients to the therapy.
If I will do my part GOD will grant me peace and heavenly life 🙂
With Healthy Faith ,
I know my past was perfect
My present is perfect,
My future will be perfect,
GOD’s wisdom is perfect. 🙂
Trail of healing tips of the soul continues
Life handed me a uniquie question paper to be answered.
I should have 100 % focus on my question paper.
I should have loved & learned from everyone and every thing.
But I developed like and dislike instead of loving and learning from done.
I keep failing my question paper.
GOD keep sending people in my life to remind me to love & learn from them.
My my pattern got worse . I resented those messengers of GOD. To some I confronted and insulted them.
No I see I just have to focus on myself and love and learn everyone and everything.
Trail of healing tips for the soul continues
A spirtual being sees GOD when pray,
See pain behind smily faces,
see love behind angry faces,
know reason behind sealed lips . 🙂
Devil is a beast prey on innocent humans, humans become vict1ms.
If stay unaware turn into volunteers, still unaware turn into lovers of being a victim.
Still stay unaware become a beast.
All humans if stay unaware will become victims and beast with in become out of control.
Every human has a potential to become aware and start praying , will prey on the beast inside,
and turn into watch dog. Devil will become helpless and leave that person alone to have a heavenly life.
All human area created equally with unique qualities and short comings.
When I like some one , my common sense is defective, If I love some one I have no common sense.
If I dislike some , not only I do not have common send and have a sick soul.
If I hate anyone , I have no commonsense and no soul and I well be self destructive and danger to others.
I am here to learn from every one so I become aware of all human qualities and short coming s.
When I do that the I will love and serve everyone in return.
I must also learn from myself and only teach myself.
Teaching others is very difficult task , any one interested must call my office to make an appointment.