Adam and Eve are parents of all human beings.
Adam and Eve were soul mates, created from one soul.
Each Male and Female are created from one soul.
Each Male has Female soul mate and each Female has a Male soul
mate, to reunite. Task of each Human is to search for soul mate and reunite.
That make rest of all males my bothers and female my sisters.
This is a holy journey discovering self , and asking the LORD to reunite with
the soul mate and live heavenly life her and eternal life ever after.
Soul is free spiritual being are eternal.
Soul is the source of life. Human body is just a vessel. Healthy soul in a health body makes that body Devine. That person live full purposeful life. It is never too late to do purification and detox human body and turn into Devine body and live full life. 🙏🏼
Humans are the best creation. Why humans are best creation?
Any one discover himself or herself will be granted peace ☮️ with himself or herself and live heavenly life for ever.
When I close my eyes and see with in, with my heart is real me.
My heart need to have 20/20 vision and have to be pure and clean to see
clearly who I am and what I have to do acquire 20/20 vision and to keep it
pure and clean. If I am not ready to do what I need to do, I always have a reason,
blaming some one, some thing to justify myself.
I can do this rest of my life and never live a full life .
Joseph Smith was arrested at the age of 27 Now at the age of 69 he feels he lived a perfect life.
He has complete peace.
He pray and stay in the state of worship . he consider helping others & voluntary hospice work as worship.
Prison is a paradise for him.
He feels he is a spiritual being and see everyone as a spiritual being in a human body and help
everyone as much he is allowed.
He lives a heavenly life.
His body is captive and has a free soul.
At birth I was given a false Identity of being a human. I was told I belong to human race, later I was told that I belong to white race, a superior race. When I came to prison , I was given another false identity INMATE. I reflected in my lonely cell and discovered than I am a spiritual being in a vessel (body). Like if drive a Toyota car. Do I become Mr Toyota and belong to Japanese race. Hardly I will the same Spiritual being.
Now I know I am a spiritual belong to Eternal Spiritual Race. Only true race and everyone is my Soulmate.
Reflection of a Soulmate from Prison 😇
For self purification
Stay in state of worship 24/7
PUSH yourself to PRAY all the time to feel pure.
P stand for PRAY
U. Stand for UNTIL
S. Stand for become SPIRITUAL
H stand for and HOLY.
Keep pushing yourself to pray until you become spiritual and holy.